Просмотр по производителям: Acculogic

Код производителя: ACCULOGIC

Acculogic designs, manufactures, and markets a broad range of systems and instruments for testing electronic devices, circuit boards and systems. We offer short turn-around time, high fault-coverage, and fast cycle-time solutions. Our services and products are used to validate designs, ensure integrity of prototypes, improve production processes and yields, and deliver defect-free final products. We are in the business of “Test Engineering” and we help our customers to reduce risks and increase profits. Acculogic strives to provide innovative technologies that are required now and anticipated in the future. To ensure our customers maintain a competitive advantage in their marketplace, Acculogic continues to make significant investment in new product development and value-added services. The acquisition of Scorpion Technologies AG of Hamburg Germany in 2006, and purchase of the intellectual and marketing rights for VICTORY software from Teradyne Inc. and the purchase of intellectual property rights for the Sprint 4510 Flying Probe from Shindenshi Company of Tokyo, Japan, in 2004 has created new engines for the growth of our company. Presently our products are enabling many of the most reputable OEM and contract electronic manufacturers in North America, Europe and Asia, to test their products without confronting the access or cost of ownership challenges faced in using more traditional test techniques. In addition, our products allow our customers to develop test programs easily and quickly and they can also benefit fully from cost reductions offered by fixtureless test techniques and methods.

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