Browse by Manufacturer: Regal Electronics / 4006

Manufacturer Code: REGAL

Prior to its incorporation and ”official” start in 1976, Regal was actually the outgrowth of a family owned speaker manufacturing business. Of course we were optimistic back then, but I don’t think we even dreamed that Regal would grow to become what it is today — an internationally recognized manufacturer of electronic components, speakers, connectors, and a wide variety of related products and services. The Regal name can be found on literally thousands of products shipped to just about every corner of the globe. Regal wouldn’t be where it is today without a team of dedicated, talented, hard-working people. From plants and offices in Taiwan and China, to engineering, sales and administration in the center of Silicon Valley, we are an international family. Behind every product we ship is a human story and a responsibility we take very seriously.

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Browse Regal Electronics / 4006 Electronic Components