검색 결과: AD22100ARZ in Temperature and Humidity Sensors
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부품 번호 AD22100ARZ 에 대한 견적을 받으려면 품목을 선택하시거나 이 페이지 하단의 부품 번호 AD22100ARZ 내에서 검색을 세분화 하세요.
아직은 브로커포럼의 회원사로 가입 준비가 되지 않으셨다면 무료로 AD22100ARZ 판매자에게 연락하실 수 있습니다.

결과 1-17 에 대한 AD22100ARZ (의 17)
고급 검색 보기

Temperature and Humidity Sensors

Thermistor- Thermistors are thermally sensitive resistors whose prime function is to exhibit a large, predictable and precise change in electrical resistance when subjected to a corresponding change in body temperature. Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistors exhibit a decrease in electrical resistance when subjected to an increase in body temperature and Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) thermistors exhibit an increase in electrical resistance when subjected to an increase in body temperature. For applications where cost, space, or fragility are relevant, other types of electronic sensors are used, at the price of a lower accuracy. In capacitive humidity sensors, the effect of humidity on the dielectric constant of a polymer or metal oxide material is measured. With calibration, these sensors have an accuracy of ±2% RH in the range 5–95% RH. Without calibration, the accuracy is 2 to 3 times worse. Capacitive sensors are robust against effects such as condensation and temporary high temperatures.Capacitive sensors are subject to contamination, drift and aging effects, but are suitable for many applications. In resistive humidity sensors, the change in electrical resistance of a material due to humidity is measured.Typical materials are salts and conductive polymers. Resistive sensors are less sensitive than capacitive sensors - the change in material properties is less, so they require more complex circuitry. The material properties also tend to depend both on humidity and temperature, which means in practice that the sensor must be combined with a temperature sensor. The accuracy and robustness against condensation vary depending on the chosen resistive material. Robust, condensation-resistant sensors exist with an accuracy of up to ±3% RH. In thermal conductivity humidity sensors, the change in thermal conductivity of air due to humidity is measured. These sensors measure absolute humidity rather than relative humidity.
