The Broker Forum- Going strong and looking forward to 2012!


TBF 2011 Year in Review

This has been a year of enhancements for The Broker Forum. Following our 2010 strategy where TBF put mechanisms increasing the quality of our members' search experience, as well as, increasing the safety of the transaction experience. In 2011 the efforts were placed on enhancing Broker Forum products in order to increase quality, search, and the overall experience one should have by using the Broker Forum site.

Increasing the Quality of the Search experience:

The Broker Forum announced the launch of a new XML feature call XML RFQ. With XML RFQ, which not only lets members to search the TBF database from your their internal system, yet to be able to send RFQs as well. This is a very significant improvement over the previous versions of XML, limited to inventory uploads and Search.


Coupled with the enhancement to the XML service Broker Forum also updated Web Wizard by launching the Web Wizard Plus. Web Wizard Plus enables members to provide their clients with access to over 60 million line items of in-stock inventory, and seamlessly brand our powerful search engine as your own.


One of the most highly asked for change to the Broker Forum site in order to facilitate the search for parts was to incorporate stock location as the member’s location. Since it is now common practice to have a warehouse in one country and a sales office in another country, to increase the quality of the information to our buyers, TBF will from now on distinguish the principal business address from the location of the inventory by replacing the Region with “STOCK LOCATION” in the search results.


Member score cards were also introduced in Beta mode. The Member Score is an algorithm based assessment of a member’s standing on The Broker Forum. The objective of the Member Score is to enable members to quickly assess a prospective business partner’s track record on our website before entering into or initiating a transaction.


Another challenge which is faced by the Broker Forum is false inventory postings. Therefore Broker Forum took initiative to start to issue Non ISCP Stock Checks. Non ISCP members will be subject to regular stock checks, similar to the ISCP process. These checks will be moderator driven, and will work as follows:

Following a moderator complaint, an ISCP type stock check is sent to the member. If the non ISCP member fails the check, he receives a warning and the following penalties will apply:


1st Complaint: Member receives a warning

2st Complaint: Stock posting capability reduced by 10 %

3nd Complaint: Stock reduced by 25 %

4rd Complaint: Stock reduced by 50 %

5th Complaint: Stock deleted completely, member will only be able to list avails.


Members will not be allowed to return to the previous level unless they apply for it. Only 1 application per quarter will allowed for each member.


Increasing the safety of the transaction experience:

On July 13th, The Broker Forum introduced a key change to its Escrow Agreement in order for counterfeit or suspected products to be systematically taken out of the supply chain.

This policy has been introduced to protect Buyers from purchasing counterfeit Parts, as well as protect intellectual property rights owners against infringement, and is designed to create a safer marketplace. This is in line with The Broker Forum’s key strategic objectives introduced in our Shenzhen, Munich and Sanya conferences. 

Overall: The Broker Forum is happy to report that 2011 growth has been steady, both in terms of members and usage per member.

As our industry prepares for the New Year, we at The Broker Forum are hard at work planning and testing the next generation of tools to help our members achieve long term sustainable success.

From all of us at The Broker Forum, we wish to extend our warmest wishes to all during the holidays.


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