Результаты поиска: OMAPL138EZWTD4E в Application Processor
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Результаты 1-11 для OMAPL138EZWTD4E (из 11)
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Application Processor

A baseband processor (also known as baseband radio processor, BP, or BBP) is a device (a chip or part of a chip) in a network interface that manages all the radio functions (all functions that require an antenna). Though, the term is usually not used when referring to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios. A baseband processor typically uses its own RAM and firmware. The rationale of separating the baseband processor from the main processor (known as the AP or Application Processor) is threefold: Radio performance Radio control functions (signal modulation, encoding, radio frequency shifting, etc.) are highly timing-dependent, and require a real-time operating system. Legal Some authorities (e.g. the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)) require that the entire software stack running on a device which communicates with the cellular network must be certified. Separating the BP into a different component allows reusing them without having to certify the full AP. Radio reliability Separating the BP into a different component ensures proper radio operation while allowing application and OS changes.
