Results for: AK4413EQ
in Data Converters
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Data Converters
Digital-to-analog converter In electronics, a digital-to-analog converter (DAC, D/A, D2A or D-to-A) is a function that converts digital data (usually binary) into an analog signal (current, voltage, or electric charge). An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performs the reverse function. Unlike analog signals, digital data can be transmitted, manipulated, and stored without degradation, albeit with more complex equipment. But a DAC is needed to convert the digital signal to analog to drive an earphone or loudspeaker amplifier in order to produce sound (analog air pressure waves). Analog-to-digital converter An analog-to-digital converter (ADC, A/D, or A to D) is a device that converts a continuous physical quantity (usually voltage) to a digital number that represents the quantity's amplitude. The conversion involves quantization of the input, so it necessarily introduces a small amount of error. Instead of doing a single conversion, an ADC often performs the conversions ("samples" the input) periodically. The result is a sequence of digital values that have been converted from a continuous-time and continuous-amplitude analog signal to a discrete-time and discrete-amplitude digital signal.
Data Acquisition > Data Converters > DAC
Part No. | DS | Manufacturer | D/C | Qty | Region | Action |
AK4413EQ | AKM | 2020+ | 1400 | China | Request A Quote | |
AK4413EQ | AKM | 2020+ | 1448 | China | Request A Quote | |
AK4413EQ | AKM | 2020 | 117 | U.S.A. | Request A Quote |
Part No. Variations
- AK440100018S
- AK440100025S
- AK440100050S
- AK440102018S
- AK440103018S
- AK440104018S
- AK440107018S
- AK440109008S
- AK440110012S
- AK440114012S
- AK440115012S
- AK440201012S
- AK440201018S
- AK440201050S
- AK440400017S
- AK440401017S
- AK4413
- AK4413EQ
- AK4414EQ
- AK4414EQIC
- AK4420ET
- AK4420ETE2
- AK4420ETPE2
- AK4421AETE2
- AK4421ET
- AK4424AET
- AK4424ET
- AK4425AETE2
- AK4429ET
- AK4429ET2E2
- AK4430ET
- AK4430ETE2
- AK4430ETT2
- AK4432VT
- AK4432VTE2
- AK4436VN
- AK4436VNL
- AK4438VN
- AK4440EF
- AK4440EFE2
- AK4452VN
- AK4452VNL
- AK4454VN
- AK4454VNL
- AK4456VNL
- AK4458VN
- AK4458VNL
- AK4480EF
- AK4480EFE2
- AK4482VTE2
- AK449
- AK4490
- AK4490EN
- AK4490EQ
- AK4490EQAK4490EQ
- AK4490EQL
- AK4490REQL
- AK4493EQ
- AK4493SEQ
- AK4497EQ
- AK4499EQ
- AK4499EXEQ
- AK44BS
- AK44H