Результаты поиска: 2521A60 в Microwave
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Результаты 1-5 для 2521A60 (из 5)
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Microwave exposure at low-power levels below the Specific absorption rate set by government regulatory bodies are considered harmless non-ionizing radiation and have no effect on the human body. However, levels above the Specific absorption rate set by the FCC are considered potentially harmful. See, Mobile phone radiation and health Long-term exposure to high-levels of microwaves, is recognized, from experimental animal studies and epidemiological studies in humans, to cause cataracts. The mechanism is unclear but may include changes in heat sensitive enzymes that normally protect cell proteins in the lens. Another mechanism that has been advanced is direct damage to the lens from pressure waves induced in the aqueous humor. High-power exposure to microwave RF is known to create a range of effects from lower to higher power levels, ranging from unpleasant burning sensation on the skin and Microwave auditory effect, to extreme pain at the mid-range, to physical burning and blistering of skin and internals at high power levels. Also, see Microwave burn.
