Результаты поиска: SA2525 в ROM
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Результаты 1-17 для SA2525 (из 17)
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Read-only memory (ROM) is a class of storage medium used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM can only be modified slowly, with difficulty, or not at all, so it is mainly used to distribute firmware (software that is very closely tied to specific hardware, and unlikely to need frequent updates). Strictly, read-only memory refers to memory that is hard-wired, such as diode matrix and the later mask ROM. Although discrete circuits can be altered (in principle), Integrated Circuits (ICs) cannot and are useless if the data is bad. The fact that such memory can never be changed is a large drawback; more recently, ROM commonly refers to memory that is read-only in normal operation, while reserving the fact of some possible way to change it. Other types of non-volatile memory such as erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM) and electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM or Flash ROM) are sometimes referred to, in an abbreviated way, as "read-only memory" (ROM); although these types of memory can be erased and re-programmed multiple times, writing to this memory takes longer and may require different procedures than reading the memory.[1] When used in this less precise way, "ROM" indicates a non-volatile memory which serves functions typically provided by mask ROM, such as storage of program code and nonvolatile data.

Memory > ROM > EEPROM

Наименование детали DS Производитель Дата выпуска Кол-во Регион Активный
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 1689 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 3000 Hong Kong Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 3000 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 7600 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel 2009+ 7841 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 6635 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel 2022+ 20022 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 17041 Hong Kong Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 5 U.S.A. Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel 2010+ 150 Canada Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel 200806 4 U.S.A. Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 5 Taiwan Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel 200834 18 U.S.A. Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel 2010+ 1381 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN10SU27 PDF Atmel - 204 China Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU-2.7 PDF Atmel - 35524 Hong Kong Связаться с продавцом
AT25256AN-10SU2.7 PDF Atmel 2009+ 8 China Связаться с продавцом