검색 결과: AD210BN in Special Purpose Amplifiers
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부품 번호 AD210BN 에 대한 견적을 받으려면 품목을 선택하시거나 이 페이지 하단의 부품 번호 AD210BN 내에서 검색을 세분화 하세요.
아직은 브로커포럼의 회원사로 가입 준비가 되지 않으셨다면 무료로 AD210BN 판매자에게 연락하실 수 있습니다.

결과 1-22 에 대한 AD210BN (의 22)
고급 검색 보기

Special Purpose Amplifiers

An instrumentation amplifier (IA) is a differential voltagegain device that amplifies the difference between the voltages existing at its two input terminals. The main purpose is to amplify small signals that may be riding on large common-mode voltages. It is an integrated circuit that internally has three operational amplifiers and several resistors. The key characteristics are high input impedance, high common-mode rejection, low output offset, and low output impedance. Instrumentation amplifiers are commonly used in environments with high common mode noise such as in data acquisition systems where remote sensing of input variables is required
