Результаты поиска: PS22A76 в Specialized Power ICs and Modules
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Результаты 1-1 для PS22A76 (из 1)
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Specialized Power ICs and Modules

This intelligent power module provides a compact, high performance AC motor drive in a simple, rugged design. Combining ST proprietary control ICs with the most advanced short-circuitrugged IGBT system technology, this device is ideal for 3-phase inverters in applications such as home appliances and air conditioners. SLLIMM™ is a trademark of STMicroelectronics.

Power Management > Specialized Power ICs and Modules

Наименование детали DS Производитель Дата выпуска Кол-во Регион Активный
PS22A76 PDF Mitsubishi Electric - 11103 China Связаться с продавцом