Results for: GAL22V10D in SPLD
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A simple programmable logic device (SPLD) is a programmable logic device with complexity below that of a complex programmable logic device (CPLD). The term commonly refers to devices such as ROMs, PALs, PLAs and GALs. Simple programmable logic devices (SPLD) are the simplest, smallest and least-expensive forms of programmable logic devices. SPLDs can be used in boards to replace 7400-series TTL components (AND, OR, and NOT gates). They typically comprise 4 to 22 fully connected macrocells. These macrocells typically consist of some combinatorial logic (such as AND OR gates) and a flip-flop. In other words, a small Boolean logic equation can be built within each macrocell. This equation will combine the state of some number of binary inputs into a binary output and, if necessary, store that output in the flip-flop until the next clock edge. Of course, the particulars of the available logic gates and flip-flops are specific to each manufacturer and product family. But the general idea is always the same. Most SPLDs use either fuses or non-volatile memory cells (EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, and others) to define the functionality. These devices are also known as: Programmable array logic (PAL) Generic array logic (GAL) Programmable logic arrays (PLA) Field-programmable logic arrays (FPLA) Programmable logic devices (PLD)
