Результаты поиска: DG303 в Switches
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Результаты 1-2 для DG303 (из 2)
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In electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.[1][2] The mechanism of a switch may be operated directly by a human operator to control a circuit (for example, a light switch or a keyboard button), may be operated by a moving object such as a door-operated switch, or may be operated by some sensing element for pressure, temperature or flow. A relay is a switch that is operated by electricity. Switches are made to handle a wide range of voltages and currents; very large switches may be used to isolate high-voltage circuits in electrical substations.

Switches > Multiplexers

Наименование детали DS Производитель Дата выпуска Кол-во Регион Активный
DG303ABWE PDF Maxim 1996+ 10 U.S.A. Связаться с продавцом
DG303ABWE PDF Maxim - 10 Canada Связаться с продавцом